Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Finally Over the Stump!

For awhile I was stumped on where to go with my Role Models project/presentation.  I was having troubles finding sources, but after meeting with Professor LaRocque I feel better about it.  I found an interview of Steve Wilkos and Professor and I also brainstormed and figured out it would be interesting to mention a few other people who help people through the media and compare them to how Steve Wilkos goes about helping people.  I've decided to talk about Oprah and Steve Irwin.  They have both influenced people through the media, but in completely different ways.


  1. I think it's really cool that your doing steve wilkos as your role model. i've seen his show a couple of times but i don't know much about him. you should deffinitly show a clip from one of his shows in your presentation!

  2. Sounds like it would be a good mesh! You'll definitely find chunks of information to incorporate into your paper... no doubt!
